Art and Mimi’s Dada Catifesto by Shelley Jackson

Lesson Plan: Mimi’s Dada Catifesto by Shelley Jackson
Teacher: Art teacher
Subject Area: Art
Grade: 1-4

California State Standard: (

Creating, Performing, and Participating in the Visual Arts
Students apply artistic processes and skills, using a variety of media to communicate meaning and intent in original works of art.
Skills, Processes, Materials, and Tools
2.1 Use texture in two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art.
2.2 Mix secondary colors from primary colors and describe the process.
2.3 Demonstrate beginning skill in the manipulation and use of sculptural materials
(clay, paper, and papier maché) to create form and texture in works of art.

Name of lesson: Creative environ-wise collage

Overview: Exploration and manipulation of mixed media to create form and texture in original works of mixed media art.

Students complete an expressive mixed media collage
Students use color, shape, form, texture, and various types of media to create their original work of art
Students gain a deeper understanding of the materials and gain confidence
Students are encouraged to look at ordinary objects as art
Students should understand that art can be silly

Time needed for lesson:
50-60 minutes in length

Lesson one
The teacher reads the book, Mimi’s Dada Catifesto, to the class. Discussion centers on the art in the book with emphasis on how the book makes the children feel and how the author achieves that. The teacher explains primary and secondary colors.  The class explores colors and discusses color association.

Lesson two
Found art and the environment. The teacher talks about art existing in everyday life. Students look around for ‘found’ objects to use in their collages. Each student writes a nonsensical poem or words on an index card.

Lesson three
Students start by letting the material ‘speak’ to them. They collect and cut objects to make a collage of their choice while including their own poetry.

Alternative lesson
The class makes collages based on colors and the feelings that those colors provoke or communicate while using their found objects.

Index cards
Various types of paper
Recyclable items
Found objects like bottles, feathers, string, buttons, leaves, flowers, etc.
Acrylic paint
Pens, colored pencils, etc.
Paintbrushes of various sizes

Include statements that help students make sense of the lesson plan and bring the discussion back to how art can be silly and the Dadaists.

Student evaluation:
Student completed the Dada inspired word/poem on the index card
Student completed the collage
Student was engaged in the discussion
Student felt free to be silly

Extension of lesson
Students share their poetry and art with the class
Teacher reads silly poetry (Shel Silverstein)

Field Trip: Modern art museum or a hike that will let students pick up materials/ garbage for their collages.

Jackson, Shelley. Mimi's Dada Catifesto. New York: Clarion Books, 2009. Print. ISBN: 978-0547126814.

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