Monday, July 23, 2012

Meadowlands: A Wetlands Survival Story by Thomas F. Yezerski

Meadowlands: A Wetlands Survival Story

Yezerski, T. (2011). Meadowlands: A Wetlands Survival Story. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux. ISBN. 978-0374349134.

Nonfiction picture book that is an environmental education and exploration of the wetlands known as the Meadowlands outside of New Jersey.

My thoughts
This nonfiction ecological picture book looks back at the history of the Meadowlands and examines the biological diversity of the wetlands. Overall, I found it to be a very thorough and impressive book. The book provides a rich ecological history through prehistory to contemporary efforts of preservation and conservation of the Meadowlands.

Yezerski looks at how the wetlands were used as a garbage dump and filled with trash until the mid-80s. The effect that the pollution had on the environment became evident through the declining species and overall quality of the wetlands. Shifts of public awareness in the mid80s helped recover the wetlands and the waning biodiversity.

The truthful look at the effects that civilization has had on the region is eye opening while the account of preservationists is hopeful. The balance is perfect and leaves the reader with a sense of hope for not only the Meadowlands but also for other affected areas. It also gives the message that urbanization effects the environment but we can do our part to also save the animals and rich diversity of these regions.

Even though this book is about a specific region, it is a perfect book for learning more about the environment and ecology. Its detailed framework can really be applied to most natural environments near urbanized areas. Hopefully, the last pages will inspire people to look for there own ‘Meadowlands’ to preserve.

Beautifully detailed watercolor illustrations frame each double spread picture make reading this book a field study experience within itself. Children can seek out objects so this book can also be used as an activity search for the objects book and vocabulary/concept builder.

Curricular connections
Grade 4 or 5- Science- Yezerski provides the perfect amount of information for an elementary school audience.

Reading level/ Interest Age
Ages 7-10

Reviews and Awards
A New York Times Notable Children's Book for 2011
One of Horn Book’s Best Nonfiction Books of 2011

Author website:
Media: ink and watercolor
Genre: nonfiction, environment

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